Our Services

International Communications Review

The International Communications Review (ICR) is a proven methodology for growing export sales through improved international communication.

ICR International Communications Review
ICR tailored for exporters

The ICR service sits at the intersection between export, languages and marketing.  Typical areas of focus include:

  • International web strategy
  • International branding & propositions
  • Web design, navigation & content for export
  • International SEO & visitor monitoring
  • Wider international web presence, particularly on LinkedIn & YouTube
  • Brochures, packaging, point of sale, etc
  • Language skills, export enquiry processing and other internal resources
  • Communications with agents/distributors/partners overseas.

An ICR is particularly relevant when an exporter is:

  • Re-developing the website
  • Embarking upon a trade show or other overseas trip.
  • Launching a new product range or service
  • Considering a new route to market
  • Updating or translating marketing materials for an international audience
  • Tackling a new market, especially a ‘difficult’ one

Benefits from an ICR include:

  • Increased export sales;
  • More profitable export business,
  • Better relationships with distributors & agents;
  • Greater export customer loyalty;
  • Entrance into new markets
  • Product innovation through international contact

Most clients also report improved communication in the home market!.

The ICR is designed as a programme of assistance for companies. Your adviser will design a tailored programme that will suit your export goals and resources, and may involve a number of separate or combined meetings, depending upon the complexity of the issues, such as number of countries, languages, products, routes to market, people and export activities. The outcome will be the right export communications strategy for your business.

The cost therefore depends upon the scope of the agreed programme.

Have a look at a couple of case studies that illustrate past ICRs.

Alternatively, Request a Call Back to discuss how we can help you grow your exports.

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